
Hi all,

Let me introduce myself my name is Gracie Castillo, I am the Director for Champions at Mark Twain Elementary.

I am super excited for schools to return to in person instruction and to have the ability to support your children in their learning journey. If you have already enrolled in our program that is awesome you already have a head start, if you enrolled and received a message about being added to a waitlist; please check your email and log into your family port on and accept your waitlist approval “It’s the BLUE button”! If you haven’t enrolled yet don’t wait to long- seats will fill quickly.


Need to enroll:

  • Visit our website at
  • Click Enroll Now
  • Click Create Account or Log In if you are a returning Champions Family
  • Follow along using the step by step “How To Enroll Guide Attached”


Pricing is available online also you can see our attached flyer.

Got questions:

Contact our family support team at: 800-246-2154

Email: [email protected]

 Already Enrolled:

Get a head start and complete your child’s File- Due by the first day: Print all documents in the attached “CA Child File” doc and complete and send it with your child for the first day of program.

 Know Before You Go:

Our Champions staff is ready to welcome your student into the Champions fold. We can’t wait to show you how we put safety first while giving kids the space to explore all the wonder and possibility our world has to offer.
I will be here to help your first day run smoothly. Here are some things to consider before we see you:

·                Tell us about your family

So much has happened over the last year, and we all have a little rebuilding to do! Our staff is here to support your family as children get back into the groove of learning and socializing. Before your child’s first day, please call or email me with any information you’d like to share about how this pandemic time has impacted your family—and your child in particular. This information will help us get a quick snapshot of your child’s academic and emotional state of mind, making it easier for us to support them here.

·                Know where and when to arrive
Our program is being held in the portable located behind the school's playground. Is this a new location for your child?  Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of directional signage outside to make locating our program quick and easy! 

Program Schedule:

Before School: 6 am - 8:05 am

After School : 2:00 pm - 6:00pm (M, T, Th, F), 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm (Wednesday)

To avoid large gatherings and minimize potential exposure, we’re asking that grown-ups please wait with children at the check-in station, maintaining a 6-foot distance with other waiting families. Our staff will check-in your child after asking some health questions, and then the child (only) can enter the site. Please confirm that your approved pickup and emergency contact lists are up to date.

·                Learn how to stay safer
We are following 
coronavirus response protocols from the CDC for the safety of everyone in our site. Most importantly, please limit drop off and pick up to one family member (preferably not grandparents or anyone who is immune compromised) and be prepared to answer a few quick health screening questions. We’re asking families to please check children’s temperatures daily before leaving home. Everyone will stop at a check-in station before entering the program (staff included), so please build extra time into your schedule.

·                What we’ll do

It’s a good idea to prepare your child for some of the things they might see or do when they get here. For example, our staff members will be wearing masks and asking health questions when you arrive. You can tell children that we wear masks to protect ourselves and others from germs, and that underneath every mask is a big beautiful smile! 

·                Scheduling and billing

Now’s a great time to log into your account on the parent portal and check your child’s schedule. Need to make a change? No problem! Just make sure to complete any necessary schedule changes by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. PT the week prior. Have questions about scheduling and billing? I’m here to help!   

If you have any other questions or want to talk in more detail about our program or your child prior to their first day, please reach out. That’s what I’m here for! I’d love to say hello and help make this transition a piece of cake for your whole family.


On behalf of the team here at Champions, we hope you have an amazing Back to School with us!




Gracie Castillo

Summer camp
CHP flyer
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